Saturday, October 23, 2010

As Seen In The Wal Mart Parking Lot

To the owner of this beautiful late-model Lincoln parked in the front row of the Orangevale Wal Mart: We get it.  You win.  You obviously made some very wise financial choices in your life to be able to afford the 20-plus feet of plastic chrome trim you've liberally slathered all over your vehicle!

I'm sorry if I come across as rude here- it's probably that I'm overcome with jealousy.  Even if I WAS fortunate enough to come by this much adhesive chrome accent trim, I'm afraid I lack the artistic vision and steady hand required to create the intricate patterns as seen on this majestic machine:

Seeing this car has brought a new chapter to my life- I am going to work harder and try to invest more of my money starting now.  Perhaps the gods will smile upon me one day, and I will be able to possess such a fine example of automotive art as this.  A boy can dream!

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